I know it's been over a week since I last wrote.
I enjoyed a 2 day Thanksgiving respite with some of my favorite people... doing nothing never felt so good.
Now I know why they say in order to work, (or create) you need to "play."
Speaking of work, I have some news.
2 years after of shooting our TV pilot "My Friends Think I'm Funny" we have decided to bring the show to the World Wide Web.
Thank God for modern technology.
Sure the show was well-received by the networks, but a good idea is a good idea - and when there's a will, there's a way.
A TV show on the web?
That must be so easy, right?
Fat bloody chance.
I spend more time online than I do in front of the telly (who doesn't these days?) simply because it's more entertaining.
This is the world we live in now.
Thanks to Walter Latham, Issa Rae, Larry King (by way of Ora TV,) and a whole HEAP of others -people are flocking to the net.
They tune in weekly (or nightly/monthly) for their favorite shows like it's "Seinfeld" "Friends" or "Cosby."
Don't get me wrong, as a writer and producer I thought "well if we put it online it'll be cheap and easy!" Then I actually sat through "The mis-adventures of an Awkward Black Girl," "Laps," "Black Friday" and "Shadazzle." (No not the cleaning product! A fantastic web-series from the UK)
I recently read that Shadazzle was TWO years in the making - how could I compete with that?
But then I realized that's in the UK...in NYC time that translates into about 6 weeks.
And technically, our show's been kicking around for that long too.
But man, the competition is strong.
Not the competition, the STANDARD.
Perhaps Walter and Issa can take a long vacation (or retire completley) so that the rest of us can catch up? I'm kidding. The blog Mr. Latham asked me to write a few months back is on one of my most-read posts to date. It can be seen here http://blackcatbaby-imjustsayin.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-king-and-i.html and he was kind enough to put me on his channel as well.
As a believer that there's "enough for everybody," I look forward to working along-side some very talented and funny people. They continue to inspire me as a writer, producer and for "My Friends Think I'm Funny," an actor.
Here's a link to the trailer...wish me luck !
Until next week....
Never say you can't do it till you try it first.
~ Jadakiss
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