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Welcome to Black Cat Baby's weekly thoughts on Life, Love, and all that jazz. No one said it would easy. I'm just sayin'

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yes. No. Sandy.

Well here we are.
It's almost 3pm and I am sipping my first coffee.
I have a sore throat, and Starbucks is packed as the kids are off school till next week.

All of this is a minuscule price to pay to be alive, well, and unlike most of my friends; HAVE ELECTRICITY.
Hurricane Sandy has come and gone I cannot believe how fortunate I am.
To say that I'm grateful is an understatement.

My cousin crashed with me for a couple of days and we had a blast...
(His building lobby flooded and they too lost their power)
We ate, drank, laughed and rented (what else) "The Perfect Storm."
He later exclaimed "who knew they could predict Sandy 20 years in advance?!"

In mere weeks I'll be losing him for good when he returns to South Africa after 6 years in New York.
I cannot believe how time flies (or that we weathered 2 hurricanes together!)
I'm so sad at the thought.
The value of family only increases the older I get.

After he left yesterday, I walked over 40 blocks to the office so that I can get my work laptop - and lug it back home.
The streets barely looked like it was Halloween, and this is in Manhattan.
Poor kids.
Poor everyone.

After a few hours of work I reopened my book "A Place of Yes" by Bethenny Frankel.
I gotta say, it's nice to read a little inspiration when you're feeling down, stuck, and emotional.
Sometimes all you do is LITERALLY wait out the storm and fight like hell to keep from having a melt down.

As I was just texting my dear friend (named Sandy) "You are on the right path and things WILL get better - this is just where you are right now...and you have a right to be depressed - you're going through a tough time!"
Wallowing has it's place.
We've all been there.

Then there are those times when you re-build, take stock, and count your blessings.
And that's where I'm at.
Chin up darlings.

Until next week,

Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere
Stormy weather
Just can't get my poor self together
I'm weary all the time.
~ Billie Holiday

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