Well I had planned on writing part 2 of my last post.
But the events of the last few days caused to come to come to this computer quite unexpectedly.
Well the good news is, I became an aunt again!
To a beautiful little girl - so exciting for my brother and his growing family.
It's nice when there's something "bright" happening in our lives after such a difficult year.
The next morning, my cousin Gary and his daughter Jaclyn were on the radio live in Toronto discussing donations to a charity on behalf of Alison's memory. You could hear the pain in everyones voices including the morning show announcers - Christmas will be tough.
I dosed back off after listening online, and awoke to find out about the shootings in Newtown.
The blanket of grief that has covered us since Alison's death came back in floods.
(I was emotional enough after hearing my family on the radio, but I was also really proud. To use a tragedy to help others is God in action right there)
The death of a young person just hits you at a different angle once you've experienced it in your own life. Nothing is ever the same. It's a punch in the stomach. (In fact the same sentiment was echoed by comedian Chelsea Handler in a recent interview with Katie Couric. Her brother died in an accident when she was 10.)
A family is never the same.
I felt this when my friend lost his sister in August, and then again when my friend's ex boyfriend committed suicide. News headlines are no different. I felt sick when hearing about NFL player Torrey Smith's brother dying so young. Then came the news out of Newtown.
It's unfathomable.
The range of emotions (in just over 24 hours) that happened with the birth of my niece, to hearing my brave cousins on the radio, to the shootings in Connecticut is hard to explain.
It's just....heavy.
I had plans on on Friday evening.
And I thank God because I may not have been able to get out of bed otherwise.
I don't really have any advice or words of wisdom.
But tomorrow I'll be returning to church for the first time since Alison died. (And it's the Christmas concert which has me in tears during the BEST of times, so wish me luck)
While a biblical service can't replace loved ones that went too soon, there is comfort in knowing that we're not alone - and that we grieve together.
Until next week...
We're beautiful like Diamonds in the sky
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